15th Good Morning Literature Competition Award Ceremony

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The 15th edition of the "Good Morning Literature" Story, Poetry and Fairy Tale Writing Competition, traditionally organised by Private Ege High School, was held. Günaydın Edebiyat, one of the long-running literary competitions of our country, has expanded its borders to Turkey for the first time this year. 430 files from 35 provinces participated in the competition. 

Students showed great interest in the "Good Morning Literature" Story, Poetry and Fairy Tale Writing Competition, which was organised with the contributions of Eraslan Foundation in order to bring new talents to the world of literature. Within the scope of the competition, a selection book containing the works of the young writers who were ranked was published. Bornova National Education Branch Manager İsmail Şahin, Founding Representative of Private Ege High School Yansı Eraslan, Eraslan Foundation Board Member Ebru Eraslan, education administrators, members of the selection committee, students and teachers of the winning schools and their families attended the award ceremony held at Yüksel Eraslan Cultural Centre. Janset Güney, a 9th grade student of Private Ege High School, added colour to the opening ceremony with her piano recital. Speaking on behalf of the selection committee, Educator-Poet Hasan Efe congratulated the young people who participated in the competition.

A cocktail was served after the ceremony where the students who ranked as a result of the evaluation were awarded. 

Private Aegean High School 15th "Good Morning Literature" Story, Poetry and Fairy Tale Writing Competition Results

Story Branch


Nickname: Eagle

Atahan Kutlu

Ankara Exam College 


Nickname: Dream Ship

Aleyna Gönül

Ciftehavuzlar Secondary School 


Nickname: Erguvan

Mehmet Furkan Shma

Karaman Mümine Hanım Secondary School

Secondary School Story Branch



Nickname: Sapphire

Deniz Baran Budak

Bursa TED Secondary School 


Nickname: Dreamer

Yagmur Demiroglu

Ankara Izzet Latif Aras Secondary School 



Nickname: Hope Blossom

Melike Tufekci

Ciftehavuzlar Secondary School 

High School Story Branch



Nickname: Colours of Happiness

Beril Soydan

Private Çamlaralti Anatolian High School 



Rumuz: Rumuze

Eylül Gedikler

Private Tevfik Fikret Science High School 



Nickname: The Incontinent

Rıfat Buğra Statement

Nazilli Anatolian High School 

Selection Committee Special Award

Nickname: Minel

Sümeyye Canbaz

Bursa Zeki Konukoglu Anatolian High School 

High School Poetry



Rumuz: Salvador Ali

Ege Baran Guneri

Torbali 7 September Anatolian High School 



Nickname: Fubu

Cansu Colakoglu

Edirne Emel -Özgür Subaşıay Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School 



Nickname: Human Being

Buse Yağmur Kayar

Torbali 7 September Anatolian High School 

15. Cities Participating in "Good Morning Literature" Poetry, Story, Fairy Tale Writing Competition

1- Adana

2- Adıyaman

3- Ankara

4- Antakya

5- Antalya

6- Aydın

7- Bilecik

8- Bursa

9-  Çankırı

10- Denizli

11- Diyarbakır

12-  Edirne

13- Eskişehir

14- Gaziantep

15-  Giresun

16- Iğdır

17- İzmir

18- İzmit

19- Karaman

20- Kastamonu

21- Kayseri

22- Kırıkkale

23- Kütahya

24- Malatya

25- Mardin

26- Mersin

27- Muğla

28- Niğde

29- Konya






35- Van
