Eraslan Foundation Scholarships for Private Aegean Students Revised
The scope of Eraslan Foundation scholarships for Private Ege High School students has been expanded starting from the 2016-2017 academic year. Eraslan Foundation Need Scholarships, which are provided to pre-school and primary school 1st grade students, will now be applied to all grades of primary school. The application of the scholarships, the scope of which has been expanded by the Eraslan Foundation, was announced to the educational public by the school directorates as follows: |
Dear Parents, Dear Students,
In the announcement made by Private Ege High School in March 2014, an important change in the scholarship system was introduced in detail, and a very important regulation made in favour of students and families in the scholarship practices of the school, which lasted for about fifteen years since the end of the 1990s, was shared with the educational public.
The Eraslan Foundation and the Private Ege High School endeavour to allocate additional resources and provide scholarships to more people each year to ensure access to quality education. During last year's fundamental change, an important issue was kept for consideration for the following years and was planned to be implemented after the financial resources to be allocated were finalised. This additional work, which was planned to be realised in three to five years, will be put into effect as of 2016-2017 as a result of the Foundation and the School undertaking a serious financial sacrifice in a short time.
Following the radical change in scholarships, the Need Scholarships, which were only provided to pre-school and primary school 1st grade students for the past two years, will be continued in all grades of primary school as of the 2016-2017 academic year.
In the 2014-2015 academic year, with the contribution of the Eraslan Foundation, it was aimed to create an additional resource for families with need scholarships for students in the two youngest grade groups of the school. In addition to the scholarships that have been given to our middle and high school students to date, where student success and need are evaluated together, it was among the priority plans of the school administration to allocate resources for the younger grades, where it is difficult to talk about an academic measurement due to the class groups. During the past two years, the base of the need scholarships for pre-school and first grade primary school students has been increased.The fact that the scholarship system has been extended and will now be applied until the end of the 4th grade of primary school shows that the last link of the major revision of the Private Aegean High School Scholarship System has been completed. At the point reached today, the framework of our scholarship system is as follows:
In order to help in understanding the scholarship system, some points are detailed below:
- Students who are awarded need scholarships from the Eraslan Foundation are required to register between 28 March - 15 April 2016 for pre-school, primary school 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade groups and between 25 April - 13 May 2016 for primary school 4th grade. After these dates, applications will be accepted in line with the unused scholarship budget.
- Scholarships are provided to our students with a certain amount of financial resources allocated every year. In the coming year, the Eraslan Foundation plans to provide need scholarships to a total of 200 students in pre-school and primary school. It should be taken into consideration that it is possible that not all students who expect scholarships will be provided with scholarships.
- For the need scholarship to be awarded in the 2016-2017 academic year, the monthly income of the family should not exceed 9,000 TL. The lower income limit is redetermined every year.
- Secondary and high school scholarships do not require that the monthly income of the family does not exceed a certain monetary amount. Academic achievement is sought for scholarships in these grade groups, and the economic and social status of the family is taken into account when determining the scholarship rate. At Özel Ege High School, there is no mechanical relationship between the scholarship rates and the results obtained by the students in the common exams held during the year, in the School Entrance Examination in which new students participate, or in the high school entrance exams (TEOG model). Therefore, please do not make comparisons between the scholarship rates of your students. This situation is important for the healthy development of our children.
- In the middle and high school grades, where students' academic status is not above a certain level, economic status alone is not sufficient to receive a scholarship. After primary school, economic need ceases to be a criterion on its own, but comes into play in determining the proportion of scholarships awarded to successful students.
- A reminder for new students who want to come to our school. In most of the private schools, an exam called "Scholarship Exam" is held, and families do not need to make a separate procedure for scholarship, and a scholarship rate is directly appreciated by the school administrations according to the results of the exam.
According to the results of the Private Ege High School Entrance Examination, students are not automatically awarded scholarships in return for certain points. Students who wish to receive a scholarship must submit a separate scholarship application in addition to the pre-registration process required for the entrance exam. All of these procedures can be done on-line on the school website and take a very short time.
- The above statement also applies to students who wish to enrol in the 9th grade of high school. The scores obtained in the high school entrance exams undoubtedly influence scholarship decisions; however, there is no automatic scholarship rate for certain score brackets. Therefore, it should not be assumed that students with similar scores will receive the same scholarship rate.
- In the numerical distribution of scholarships, the greatest weight will belong to the smallest scholarship rate, followed by scholarships with higher rates in decreasing numbers. In each class group, scholarships in the top tier are awarded to a very limited number of students.
- Finally, it should be noted that the students who have been studying at our school for years and who are the children of martyrs and veterans, whom we consider to be entrusted to all of us, are excluded from these statements. We will continue to educate these students with full scholarship with great happiness and pride.
Dear Families, Dear Students,
The most pleasing situation for Özel Ege High School is that with this scholarship system, it is possible for a student studying at our school from kindergarten to 12th grade to receive a scholarship. The sincere message that the school tries to convey to students and families is this: While scholarships are awarded to students from families who meet the financial criteria in pre-school and primary school grades, where it is difficult to talk about the concept of academic success, the sustainability of scholarships from secondary school onwards now depends on the personal performance of the student.
The Private Aegean High School, which provides scholarships with the model outlined above, tries to take into account the inequality of income distribution in our country, the social situation of the families, the unexpected conditions that arise in the family budgets as a criterion in scholarship decisions and to play a facilitating role for families striving for their children to receive education under the best conditions. Our school, which has been giving back a significant portion of the resources it has received from education for years, has increased the number of students granted scholarships by 253% in the last five years. The total amount of scholarships was approximately 2,560,000 TL in 2011-2012, 3,730,000 TL in 2012-2013, 4,240,000 TL in 2013-2014, 5,800,000 TL in 2014-2015 and 6,750,000 TL in 2015-2016.
It is respectfully announced to the school and education public.