Private Aegean High School 31st Term Cap and Diploma Ceremony


Private Aegean High School saw off its 31st term graduates with great enthusiasm. Zeynep Gül, the valedictorian of the school, received her diploma from Yansı Eraslan, Founding Representative of Private Aegean High School. Zeynep Gül, the valedictorian of the school, and Aylin Musluoğlu, the Principal of the Private Aegean High School, nailed a plaque to the age log. Mustafa Tuna Koca and Eylül Çelik were ranked second and third respectively.

Ebru Eraslan, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Eraslan Foundation, which started its activities in 2014 and awards the top students every year, presented the awards on behalf of the foundation.

While the pride of the administrators and teachers who graduated their students was visible in their eyes, the happiness of the students who started their university journey was worth seeing.giyim, kişi, şahıs, iç mekan, çiçek içeren bir resim

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

The night ended after the graduation dinner at the Private Aegean High School campus and the fun songs of the music group. 





