Thanks to Izmir State Opera and Ballet
The educational concert organised within the scope of the educational and cultural activities carried out by Private Ege High School with the contributions of Eraslan Foundation attracted great interest from the students. Izmir State Opera and Ballet gave an educational concert at our school. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students of Private Ege High School attended the concert. The valuable artists gave information about orchestra instruments and voices and sang various arias, folk songs and operettas.
Nazile Atayeva on piano, Aşkın Usta on bassoon, Güzin Teoman on oboe, Senem Örümlü on trumpet, Simge Özdayı on clarinet; accompanied by Tenor Mertol Türkbay, Bass Barış Yener, Soprano Melisa Yenal and Soprano Elif Genek.
We would like to thank the management of Izmir State Opera and Ballet for enabling the organisation to take place and the valuable artists for the concert they presented to our students, and we wish our work to continue.