Works of Special Aegean Artists at Yaşar University

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Private Ege High School students continue to support the Dokuz Eylül University Patient and Patient Relatives Guest House Project with the Painting and Ceramic Exhibition they organised for the benefit of KİTVAK. The fourth leg of the exhibition themed "The Painting and Ceramic Exhibition of Private Aegean High School Students is Travelling Izmir", prepared with the contributions of Eraslan Foundation, was presented to the public at Yaşar University Exhibition Hall.

The exhibition prepared within the scope of Young KİTVAK activities was opened by 7th grade students. Bornova Mayor Olgun Atila, Yaşar University Secretary General Ender Duran, Private Ege High School Founder Representative Yansı Eraslan, Eraslan Foundation Board Member Ebru Eraslan, Private Ege High School education administrators, KİTVAK Chairman of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Suat Çağlayan, KİTVAK Chairman of the Board Ramazan Soncul, KİTVAK Board Chairman Engin Cankeş, Galatasaray football player Bilal Kısa, Young KİTVAK volunteers, students, teachers and parents were present at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

The exhibition of Private Aegean High School students, who carried out exemplary projects within the scope of community service activities, was appreciated by art lovers. Cemre Uçkan, Fethi Boran Gülmez, Berkay Akın and Arda Coşkun, students of Private Aegean High School from Young KİTVAK, who presented a mini guitar concert at the opening, received great applause from the audience. 

The exhibition, which was prepared with the participation of many students from kindergarten to senior high school under the guidance of Private Ege High School Visual Arts Department teachers, was visited at Yaşar University Exhibition Hall until 25 March 2016. All proceeds from the exhibition were donated to KİTVAK in order to help the completion of the KİTVAK Patient and Patient Relatives Guest House under construction at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine.
